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🔍 Based on sources (#)*

Made with Virals
When you lock eyes with someone you're trying to avoid
When you lock eyes with someone you're trying to avoid

The caption idea was generated in 3 iterations, taking no more than 15 seconds

15,000+ views Watch on YouTube
Me after deciding not to check the group chat for 24 hours
Me after deciding not to check the group chat for 24 hours

The caption idea was generated in 2 iterations, taking no more than 11 seconds

13,000+ views Watch on Instagram
When you're about to fall asleep… and remember that one time you
waved back at a stranger who was
waving at someone else
When you're about to fall asleep… and remember that one time you waved back at a stranger who was waving at someone else

The caption idea was generated in 5 iterations, taking no more than 22 seconds

600+ views Watch on TikTok

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Virals is an AI-powered content recommendation platform that generates viral ideas for short videos and social media posts based on sources from the Internet.

*Sources (#) is a library of content (videos, images, etc.) collected from various social media platforms.